While payday loans are considered as one of the suitable options when urgent cash is the requirement, the repayment is very short and it does not allow much time to repay a larger amount of a loan. So, 3 month payday loans can be a better option when urgent cash is needed and you do not want to stress your next paycheque. These loans give you a longer period of three months to repay the loan, though you have the option of repaying on next payday or any time later. However, you should note it down that any stretching of the loan repayment comes with a price. This implies that you will be paying a good amount of interest charges for a longer period if you repay the principal amount in say two to three months.
According to Mr. Andy Roger CEO of http://www.faxfreeloans.co.uk/ 3 month loans are given to the people who are employed and are getting monthly paycheques for at least the past six months. Approval of the loan comes quickly within hours without many enquiries. Generally a post-dated cheque from the borrowers secures these loans.The loan amount depends on your monthly paycheque and ranges from £100 to £1500. Of course, greater amount of loan usually requires larger repayment duration.
3 month payday loans are expensive too because of high APR on them. So, compare several offers of these loans to locate competitive online lenders who are willing to reduce their interest rates. Repay the loans on the due date instead of stretching the repayment for a longer duration to avoid high interest payments and debts.