Tucson, AZ ( 12pressRelease ) September 01, 2009 Evan Deaubl released version 2.0 of the 12 Strikes bowling score tracker (http://www.12strikes.com), built to help bowlers improve their scores, to the iPhone App Store. 12 Strikes does this by allowing the bowler to track their history of games, and be able to study and analyze that history. This allows the bowler to adjust more quickly to the conditions at a particular bowling alley or set of lanes, to look for abilities they need to focus on in practice, and to watch their progress by seeing their scores and statistics improve over time.

The newest version introduces searching capabilities to 12 Strikes, allowing the bowler to search for a particular group of games, based on the alley, league, game name, or date the game was bowled. In addition, the analysis portion has been expanded, including number of spares, strikes, open frames, splits, percentages of strikes and spares made, and splits converted. Each statistic can be calculated for an individual game, or for each day‘s worth of games over a period of time. Being able to calculate these new statistics gives the bowler new insight into how they are bowling now, and how they have improved over the course of time.

12 Strikes is not just limited to measuring past performance. The search and history capabilities in this version of 12 Strikes can have an immediate impact on a bowler‘s score today. "One of the keys to great bowling is being able to read lane conditions quickly and adjust," Evan explains. "With the history and searching features of 12 Strikes, bowlers will have a head start by being able to easily look up previous games they've bowled at an alley, or even on a particular pair of lanes. This difference translates into more confidence, which translates into more strikes and higher scores."

Despite the recent release of version 2.0, there is still a great deal of work to be done. Evan is already hard at work on the next version of 12 Strikes. "The hundreds of bowlers who have already purchased 12 Strikes are not a quiet bunch. They have plenty of ideas about data they would like to record about their games. The next version will add several very important pieces of data, such as position and target information. I am committed to making 12 Strikes an even better tool for them, and I look forward to hearing their stories of success.”

12 Strikes is available in the iPhone App Store (http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/stat?id=KtEkS333few&offerid=146261&type=3&subid=0&tmpid=1826&RD_PARM1=http%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2FWebObjects%2FMZStore.woa%2Fwa%2FviewSoftware%3Fid%3D306175992%26mt%3D8%26uo%3D6%26partnerId%3D30&u1=12Strikes20PR) for $9.99. For more information, visit the 12 Strikes website at http://www.12strikes.com.

12 Strikes
9852 E. Forest Grove Loop
Tucson 85749
United States.
Ph no: (520) 248-2595
