While carrying out your daily routine, when you have to manage all your expenses from your fixed monthly income, sometimes you may be short of money. In such a situation you may ask any of your friend or a relative to help you out with some cash. But, a better solution to the problem than this is to look out for a suitable loan for you. If you own a home of your own, then your home can help you get a loan with better terms and conditions and such loans are known as home equity loans. They are borrowed against your home which acts as a collateral. The terms related with home equity loans are Mortgage, second mortgage and equity release schemes. If a person owns his home fully, the equity loan availed is termed as mortgage loans. But, if the property is partially owned by a person, then the loans availed are known as second mortgage loans. These loans are only meant for the homeowners. These loans let a lender borrow some money in times of financial crisis to meet his urgent expenses without any kind of trouble.
Home equity loans are based on the equity of the home and this equity of acts as collateral. The equity of the home is the market value of the home minus the outstanding mortgages against it. Before applying for these loans, the borrower must first find out the equity of his home. The loan amount for such loans ranges from £5000 to £75,000 with a loan repayment duration between 5 to 25 years. These loans offer cash within small duration of time and the rate of interest for these loans is also lower and is tax deductible. The borrower can use the loan amount according to his requirements and can spend it on expenses like home renovation, educational expenses, debt consolidation, staring some new business, pending bills, etc. There are some conditions that a borrower must fulfil before applying for these loans like he must be 18 years of age or above, must have a UK citizenship, must have an employment proof and must have an active bank account for transactions. Those borrowers who have bad credit like bankruptcy, CCJs, defaults, late payments, missed payments, etc. can also apply for these loans without any kind of problem due to the absence of any kind of credit check by the lenders. These loans can be availed by the homeowners in two forms and they are home equity loans and home equity line of credit, which is also known as HELOC. While availing the home equity loans, the entire loan amount is given to the borrower as a lump sum while if the borrower is availing HELOC, then the borrowers can withdraw money according to their requirement up to a maximum limit he is allowed to. This plan acts like a credit card. In this the interest is charged only on the used amount and not on the whole amount. The borrower must borrow only that much amount which is actually required by him.
Various online lenders provide these loans. The borrower can go through the offers of various lenders and look out for the best deal for himself. He can negotiate to get the best suitable deal. Absence of paper-work makes the loan application process quick. The borrower is just required to fill an online application form with some personal details and then send it to the lender. After verifying the information, the lender transfers the required amount into the borrower‘s account within few business hours.
Aaden Marsh is Advisor of Home Equity Loans Australia.For any information regarding Home Equity loans, Seniors home equity loans visit http://www.homeequityloansau.com