(12PressRelease.com) Many new stars become famous through new means. They claim fama when they find a way to capture the attention of the rest of the world. The great news is that you no longer have to go to casting call after casting call to attract the attention of television bigwigs. Nowadays, many people simply upload their videos divertidos on a hosting site and simply wait for other people to notice it. If you are talented in comedy or have a really good storyboard for comedy, this could be your time!

The best way to get famous for your videos divertidos is through careful planning, of course. Before fama comes, you have to have prepared enough material to capture the crowd‘s attention and keep them sustained for long periods of time. Usually, you start with one or two characters and map out a story board for all the adventures that they go through. Alternatively, you can also shoot videos divertidos of yourself getting in all sorts of scrapes, Jackass-style. There are many great ideas for videos divertidos, but you also need to choose the best one for you to get known and be famous for.

Second, do make it a point to promote your videos so fama will happen sooner than you think. Sure, you have already uploaded it but that does not mean your work is done. Look at the other videos of other users and comment on theirs. When you do that, they will be curious enough about your own stuff and would want to check it out. Remember, you also have to do a bit of work if you want fama to come into your life. Aside from hard work and the desire to improve your work, you also have to study reactions from the comments about your work. This is so you know how you can improve it and make it better.

The fama that comes with your videos divertidos will be slow and steady, not instantly or overnight. It takes time to build a following and a reputation for coming up with witty videos that show a funny but intelligent side of you. However, it is all worth it. Just imagine how many internet-born stars there are through their hard work and dedication they are finally reaping the success. And of course, their fame is not only limited to what is happening on the internet pretty soon they are becoming TV celebrities, featured in different magazines and dailies, getting sponsorships and hired to do some projects.

Clearly, there are good things that come with being famous on the internet because of your funny videos. It is important that you invest a lot of hard work towards perfecting this craft, study your market and know what keeps them laughing so you feel fulfilled in what you do and be rewarded for it as well. The fame and the money will come at a time where you know you have done everything you could and really dedicated yourself to what you are doing.

A lot of people become famous because of their videos divertidos: http://www.danetamimanera.com/ . However, the money and the fama: http://www.danetamimanera.com/index.php#/conoce-mas-sobre-20-de-fama will only come when you have also put in a lot of hard work, dedication, time and effort towards perfecting the craft of making funny videos that really sell.