(12PressRelease.com) CAD Outsourcing Services firm helps Machine designers, Manufacturers and Fabricators to effectively manage their designs using Mechanical 3D Models and AutoCAD drawings. Working from a hand-drawn sketch to a working prototype, we produce detailed, 2D CAD drawings with high accuracy, ready for manufacturing.

From initial concept to prototype, design, fabrication and commissioning, we can provide an immediate and efficient solution to your mechanical drawing requirements. Our portfolio includes Mechanical CAD Drafting, 3D Mechanical Modeling, AutoCAD Shop Drawings, SolidWorks 3D Visualization and nearly every other CAD work.

We provide detailed engineering drawings for:

  • Material Handling Equipments
  • Automotive components
  • Mechanical product design development
  • Assembly drawings
  • Industrial Machinery
  • R&D projects
  • New inventions, Patent developments
  • HVAC design, Refrigeration parts, etc

Save 60% on your project costs by outsourcing Mechanical drafting/drawing services today!

We can quote by job, by sheet or by man-hour. (Hire drafters/drawers for specific jobs). Find more details at http://www.cadoutsourcingservices.com/cadd-mechanical-drafting.php

Our 3D CAD models are typically developed from the designer‘s concept drawings or inventor‘s patent drawings. 2D and 3D CAD drawings are used to determine the exact design of each component that goes into the fabrication of automotive parts, assemblies, medical instruments and almost every manufactured product.

All drawings are created in compliance with industry standards for layout, prototype, interpretation, appearance and dimensions. We accept various input formats, including images and sketches and use AutoCAD, SolidWorks and MicroStation to ensure flexibility in output formats (DWG, DXF, DGN, PDF, TIFF, etc).

[email protected] - Request a free custom quote.