(12PressRelease.com) Everyone wants the perfect body and a quick fix at how to get it but unfortunately that really isn‘t the case for many of us.
Science is coming on leaps and bounds searching for new ways to help us slim down. One of the up and coming popular types of surgery is the new vaser liposuction a quick but not necessarily painless procedure that can shed weight from the body through ultrasound.
With vaser liposuction the patient is under general, local or intravenous sedation. The surgeon will create a small incision into the area being treated and fill it with a solution containing epinerphrine which effectively shrinks the blood vessels to reduce bleeding, as well as an anaesthetic which numbs the area.
The doctor inserts an ultrasonic probe that releases sound waves into the body. The sound waves break up fatty tissue in areas such as the abdomen, arms, back, knees and hips leaving nearby tissue intact. The procedure is finished with a suction to remove the emulsified fat.
Another procedure is smart liposuction which can be done with either ultrasonic assistance or added laser treatments. Tumescent fluid infusion is also used in some of the smart liposuction procedures.
Smart liposuction is non-invasive and only a few incisions are made if the tumescent method is used. It can be formed on several parts of the body including thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen and waist, upper arms, back, inner knee, chest area, cheeks, chin and neck and calves and ankles.
The area around the eyes can also be done with smart liposuction if recommended.
One of the popular procedures is the SlimLipo Laser which uses lasers to successfully melt and remove unwanted body fat and help tighten skin with minimal recovery time. With SlipLipo Laser the laser targets unwanted body fat cells. The fat is liquefied and removed while at the same time tightening and smoothing the surrounding skin.
The Ultrasonic Liposuction Procedure is the ultrasound option which is most commonly used to remove fat in hard to treat areas such as the chin, neck, cheeks, calves and ankles. It is a procedure that acts as an addition to tumescent liposuction for patients who require more specific body contouring. The ultrasonic sound melts the fat and deposits it into liquid and when combined with the injected tumescent fluid, liquid fat emulsifies making its removal much easier.
Traditional liposuction is the most common type of procedure for people who wish to remove a lot of excess body fat. Once the anaesthetic has been administered to numb sensation the surgeon will cut small incisions into the skin to create an opening for the liposuction tool. The instrument is called a canulla. It is hollow and attached to a pump which provides the suction. The surgeon moves it back and forth through the fatty tissue in a sawing motion. The fat begins to break up and is vacuumed away through the tube. Once the fat has been removed the cuts are closed with stitches or left open to drain. The wound will be covered with a gauze bandage.
For more information about liposuction and how you can benefit from it visit Lipo.co.uk to find everything you need to know about liposuction.