(12PressRelease.com) Bridgeport, CT - September 7, 2010 - Green tea and weight loss always seem to go hand in hand. Green tea has been consumed in China and India since ancient times, due to the benefits that come along with it. In the recent years, the western countries have discovered the advantages of green tea consumption. Based on your preferences, you can choose to consume anywhere between 2-10 cups a day.

The only drawback is that green tea contains high amount of caffeine and therefore may perhaps cause insomnia in some people. However, it is known to be extremely effective for weight loss. Hence, most people often replace their daily consumption of coffee with green tea.

How Does Green Tea Help Your Body?

Usually, people consume green tea to lose weight. However, you would be able to see immediate results if you were to combine green tea with other weight loss supplements. If you are looking to maintain your weight, then it would be suggestive to include green tea as a part of your daily diet.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and hence regular consumption of green tea would reduce the risk of cancer. In addition to fighting against different kinds of cancer, green tea would boost up your metabolism, stimulating your body in such a way that it burns up calories faster. According to the studies listed in the American Journal of Nutrition, all those people that consumed green tea on a regular basis burnt calories at a faster rate, as compared to others. On the other hand, green tea is also beneficial in improving bowel movements and digestion. Green tea protects your liver against different toxic substances like alcohol. It also keeps your cholesterol level in a check and prevents alarming conditions such as atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Some studies also suggest that green tea is effective in controlling the sugar level in the blood. High blood sugar would create a lot of hunger. Therefore, maintaining blood sugar content with the help of green tea would also help you lose weight. Although green tea may not be able to eliminate cellulite directly, it would surely help to eradicate toxins from your body and help you lose weight in return.

Contact Details:

315 Seaview Ave.
# 34288
CT 06607-2433
Phone:(203) 683-4894
Website: http://greentealoseweightz.com