(12PressRelease.com) When people on a bus, a plane or at a restaurant think they‘re seeing other people violating the smoking ban, they should take a second look. The suspect may actually be ´vaping‘ rather than smoking. In other words, enjoying an electronic cigarette. A cigarette without smoke, tar and carcinogens.

A lady who was vaping an electronic cigarette at the Cincinnati Zip‘s Cafe was interviewed about what she thought about this relatively new electronic device. A long time smoker, Jenny Jenkins from Cincinnati, Ohio said: “I was usually smoking a pack of cigarettes a day but when I got my e-cigarette, I was down to half a pack on my first day.”

She continued: “I just took out my electronic cigarette whenever I felt an urge to smoke and took a few puffs. After that I had no more carvings for the real cigarette. On my third day I was down to five tobacco cigarettes a day and on my fifteenth day I smoked my last cigarette. I just didn‘t need them anymore. I then noticed that I started to feel more energy and less fatigue.”

Read the rest of the interview at http://electroniccigarettehub.org