The Indian Patent Office has notified that it will be holding the patent agent exam on 23rd and 24th January, 2010. The exam will be held at various centres at Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai and New Delhi. Any science or technology graduate who passes the exam will be eligible to interface with the patent office and IP Appellate Board on behalf of clients.
As per the patent office, the question paper format for the exam will be different. In addition to the knowledge with respect to the Patents Act, the drafting skills of the candidate will be thoroughly tested in the exam. The written exam will be followed by a Viva Voce.
Considering the changes in question paper pattern and the increased standards for patent agents, Brain League has launched a rigorous patent agent training program. The course will be offered on Brain League's online learning management system. Students in the course will be trained through reading assignments, online lectures and direct training. The course will include mock tests and patent drafting exercises.
Talking about the exam, Dr. Kalyan, CKO of Brain League said, "The ratio of students passing the patent agent exam has been very low. Though the exam is tough, it can be cracked through proper orientation and preparation. We at Brain League have designed a program that will train and orient students to clear the exam." Most students who had taken Brain League's course have passed the exam, which proves the effectiveness of the course offered by the company.
The Course is offered by highly qualified patent agents and attorneys having experience of filing and prosecuting national and international applications. Mr. Nishant Kewalramani, experienced patent agent and lead faculty said, "Cracking the patent agent examination requires a crisp understanding of the legal principles involved in patents from the Indian law perspective. We at Brain League deal with the practical issues involved in patent practice on a daily basis and hence our approach will be to do some skill building from the examination point of view.â€
More details about the course may be found at The course co-ordinator Mr. Zubair may be contacted by phone or email (91-80-41489502/04 - Extension: 215 or [email protected]).