Going back to 2009, California has set out to increase the amount of tickets and fines that are handed out on the road by as much as 30 percent. This means that every time a driver gets behind the wheel they are under threat of facing some of the toughest and most unmanageable penalties that any person can ever receive. For 2012, many of the changes that have taken place to California's traffic laws increase all of the penalties associated with everything from registration errors to DUIs. This is why all individuals should remain aware of some of the evolving laws and why it is important to contact a local legal specialist the moment that they get a ticket.

Three of the largest changes to traffic fines involve either the driver's registration or their driver's license. This means that even the individuals that are extremely cautious behind the wheel could be on the getting end of major fines and fees. For those that are not currently following provisions that have been placed on their driver's license, the minimum fine for all counties is now $214. These provisions are the use of corrective lenses or glasses or stipulations that have been set by the judge after being convicted of a DUI.

A fine of $214 can also now be given to any driver that does not notify the DMV that their address has changed within a 10 day period. For individuals that have been pulled over or been involved in an accident and do not have proof of financial responsibility or insurance, the fines have been dramatically increased. The first offense will not only have the likelihood of a license suspension, the base fine is now $796.

Although many of the laws for cell phone usage have been around since 2007, the fines for these different infractions have now increased for 2012. Those that are caught driving while texting, reading texts, or using their wireless device in any manner is now $148. Subsequent violations will double or triple these costs, and there will be additional fees from the court and the DMV.

Some of the other increases to fines will be the result of parking violations. Those that are convicted of parking in a handicap spot will now receive a ticket for nearly $1,000 on a single offense. These fees are also applicable to those that are convicted of parking in a bus loading or unloading zone. Subsequent offenses for either of these charges will double the charge, totaling nearly $2,000.

The moment that a driver gets any ticket, they should right away contact a local legal specialist. Without the help of a traffic ticket attorney, drivers could be under threat of huge fines and even a license suspension.

Mr. Ticket, traffic ticket lawyer can give you more information about the increase in traffic fines.