As an Internet Marketer you probably have at least one blog set up. A blog is an excellent way to position yourself as an expert within your sector while also allowing your personality to shine through. It can help you sell your products. You can establish relationships with other people via your blog. It furthers your brand. You probably know all this stuff. What you might not understand is that your blog is also a great source of income. It's a brilliant strategy to supplement the income you are deriving from other sources. You can generate some additional cash with your blog using the following strategies.

Review Amazon products on your blog. The great thing about this particular strategy is that you get to choose which products you review. You receive a relatively good percentage of the sale of any products or books through the Amazon link you place on your blog thanks to their great affiliate program. The best approach to generating sales via this program is create in-depth reviews that inform people exactly of what they can expect without actually revealing everything.

You won't be making as many sales by just posting a widget on your sidebar, instead you need to write product reviews. Not only will you make more sales, you'll be better endearing yourself to the people who read your blog. Get companies interested in advertising on your sidebars. You can save some space on your sidebars for advertisers. The size of the graphic ads you sell will differ, meaning you can vary the prices as well. You can make more money by selling directly to advertisers, but you can still choose to use an ad network for this endeavor. You can jump over the network and save money on their commission by making the sale direct. You can decide who advertises on your blog and for how long with this approach.

Post content other people have created on your blog. This type of content tends to be more salesy and people include links that will help them make money but it is a little like guest posting. Make sure you are careful if you decide to employ this technique. You can charge some pretty high prices because you aren't in control of the content. The non-existent control also implies that you might annoy the readers of your blog. You should make it clear in your contract that you have the right to decline to post something if you feel it isn't appropriate. The additional control over what you post on your blog is vital and more than worth it, even if you have to lower your prices. There are so many different ways to bring in money through your blog. There many opportunities available to you instead of just throwing up some Google Ads. You can advertise other projects you are working on while still making a little extra money, which is the greatest thing about blog monetization. It's a great approach from any direction.

Santos Crumrine is a rising star in the blogging world who writes articles on affiliate marketing, advertising and MLM. His passion for blogging draws readers all over the world. Checkout his articles on MLM success review and on Empower Network review