London, UK ( 12pressrelease ) April 07, 2011 - Web design has, until recently, been the domain of the Techy. Websites are written in code, by developers and graphic designers.
With the evolution of website builder http://www.WebEden.co.uk/, this market been opened up to a whole new breed of creative amateurs.
´We've seen a massive jump in the last 6 months of start-up web design companies using our system to build websites for their customers‘ says WebEden MD Ken Builder. ´Whilst we‘re obviously not ever going to take the place of the very high-end website programmers, we are an ideal solution for young (and old) designers who have plenty of creative talent but limited technical knowledge.‘
Case in point - http://www.fractaldesign.eu
´I keep thinking I should send the owners a bottle of wine‘ says Phil Evans, owner of web design company Fractaldesign.eu. ´I came out of university with a graphic design degree and a student loan but I knew I wanted to start my own web design business.‘
´The WebEden system enabled me to literally start my business from nothing. It‘s a perfect solution for me. I can produce great looking, interesting and interactive websites for my clients. I can build a website http://www.webeden.co.uk from anywhere in the world and I can leave all of the, behind the scenes, technical stuff to them.‘
What WebEden offers
WebEden offers a free use of their simple drag and drop software website builder tool; the ability to add text, pictures, videos, maps; unlimited pages and over 4000 starter templates to choose from.
´With such a challenging current job market, it seems like when the going gets tough, the tough get creative!‘ Says Ken.
About WebEden
Webeden is an independently run, London based, web Software Company. The company‘s maverick and refreshing approach gives it outstanding presence in the burgeoning market for website design tools. Through its online site building tool SiteMaker, Webeden is making it easy for everyone, no matter what their experience, to build a website. Over 3,000,000 have already tried and succeeded.
For more information:
Josh Stanbury
SJS PR & Marketing
[email protected] Tel. 01643 818007