(12PressRelease.com) With a thunderous applause from those present at the launch of the KBC 4, the mercurial Amitabh Bachchan welcomed the media personnel with his trademark 'Deviyo aur Sajjano aap sab ka swaagat hain' dialogue. Big B's association with the show began 10 years ago in 2000, when the show first aired on Star Television.
The first episode KBC4 was aired on Sony Entertainment Television on 11th October 2010, which is also the 68th birthday of the superstar who started his career in 1969 with 'Saat Hindustani'. The actor who most recently won the National award for his role in 'Paa' looked stylish as ever in a black suit and a cream coloured tie at the event as he thanked his fans for their continual support and love towards him in his long illustrious career.
To add to the appeal of the show, Sony has increased the prize money from Rs. 1 crore to Rs. 5 crore! Amitabh is all praises for the channel for setting such a huge prize. In a surprise, Business Standard's Swarup Chakravorty was the first contestant of the show and played out a few questions with 'Computerji' and Amitabh Bachchan. As an enhancement, the show will also feature audio-visual questions which will keep the audiences hooked on to their TV sets with a keen ear!
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