Chennai, Nov 2,2009, The importance of Kala Bhairava is not immediately apparent and not known to many. But for those acquainted with astrology, the 8 nights of Kala Bhairava hold a special significance.
Bhairava is the fierce form of Lord Shiva in His aspect as the destroyer of the things that manifest in creation. Kalabhairava is usually depicted in a fierce form decorated with serpents and carrying the forth head of Brahma.
Astroved views Kalabhairava as the Lord of Time and capable of conferring vision and clarity to the seeker. He also blesses the devotee with knowledge and resources to fulfill those goals. As a result, the seeker‘s resolve gets strengthened and the goals come within reach. Bhairava helps tide over bad times in the form of laziness, lethargy and idleness. There is a discerning awareness of not getting tangled to unrewarding/unproductive actions., a consumer internet portal specializing in Vedic traditions, finds a following among many Americans and Europeans who evince interest in Hindu festivals and astrological events. The Vice President K Baskaran says,†There are a lot of hidden sources of wisdom that anyone can dip into and benefit enormously. Kalabhairava is our attempt to raise awareness of time managementâ€.
Astroved will be observing the 8 nights of Kalabhairava by performing a group homa. Each night, each of the 8 powerful forms of Kalabhairava, the Lord of Time, will be invoked starting 2nd November, 2009. The last day, 9th November is especially significant to receiving the blessings of one‘s ancestors.
Astroved has scheduled a live telecast of the event on the 2nd November and the last day on 9th November 2009. The timings of the Kala Bhairava Fire Ritual is from 07:30 AM to 10:30 AM EST [6.00M-9.00PM IST]on both these days. Everyone can view the LIVE Fire Ritual at