Jun 9, 2010
Singapore based Denko Group reported the largest increase in US construction spending in over nine years as well as three straight quarters of manufacturing sector expansion. Statements from the US Commerce Department confirmed that recent industry spending was driven...
Jun 2, 2010
As the world‘s major currencies find their new normal, the Denko Group‘s Forex Derivatives fund has hit major profit milestones. Traders have long used Forex derivates to allow investors to have a low cost hedge against exposure to various currencies. By...
May 26, 2010
In spite of the United Arab Emirates federation attempt to shore up Dubai‘s troubled financial system, the Denko Group warns that the region‘s credit crisis is far from over. Estimates by the International Monetary Fund show Dubai is currently at $108 billion in...
May 21, 2010
Denko Group now offers a new addition to its lineup of popular alternative investment hedge funds which appreciate as the uncertainty of the Euro shakes down world markets. “The difference is in the packaging†says Denko Investment Product Specialist Mark...
May 20, 2010
In spite of many factors hindering the worldwide economic recovery, Denko Group Analysts identify that Mortgage Failures in the US are still the largest obstacle to market improvement. From a report issued earlier in the week: “Generally speaking, the situation...