Survey: Over 70% of Americans Against Paying College Sports Stars

The college basketball mania of March Madness may be behind us for another year, but the usual debates surrounding collegiate sport still roll on. Every year, the debate of whether or not student sports stars should be paid resurfaces, with the NCAA’s “amateurism”... Now Allows Hosting Landing Pages with No Limits

Web building niche keeps developing, with lots of trusted services being presented to the audience. While the number of web design tools continues to increase, more users start facing problems, when it comes to selecting the most trusted hosting services....

MageWorx Is Developing Reward Points and Store Credit for Magento 2

Ensuring great customer experience is a surefire way to attract and retain users. Realization of this fact is, probably, one of the major steps to withstanding severe competition, irrespective of the business niche and size. By winning customer loyalty, owners of...

Best Sellers Projectors Has Provided the Top

Customers frequently face lots of problems and have many questions, when shopping for projectors. And it’s no wonder, considering a rich assortment of these devices available on sale nowadays. All of them come with various characteristics, application indications and...

SESL Australia’s director realeases new book

The Director of SESL Australia has released a new book in collaboration with Angus Stewart. The book is called ‘Grow Your Own’ and provides expert information on techniques to grow your own edible plants in the city, helping anybody to become an urban farmer. More...