Treatment for Dark Gums Now Accomplished in Less Than One Hour

( Beverly Hills, CA Esteemed Beverly Hills periodontist and cosmetic dentist Dr. Alex Farnoosh created a treatment for bleaching dark gums that is more effective than past laser methods. The technique is proven to instantly remedy pigmented and...

AAP Asks CDC To Make Monitoring Oral Health A Priority

( Beverly Hills, CA â€â€œ The Center for Disease Control and Preventionâ€â„¢s Division of Oral Health (CDC DOH) and the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) have partnered to create a program to track the incidence and pervasiveness...

An Innovative Solution To Improve Gummy Smiles By Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentist

Beverly Hills, CA, June 2010 â€â€œSmiling is something we do every day, but seldom think about. It is an important and powerful part of communication â€â€œ a universal sign of happiness. But for many people with a â€Å“gummy smile” â€â€œ a...