Kowloon, Hong Kong - April 27, 2010 Beubag.com took their special offer marketing strategy to a whole new level by announcing an attractive new discount system on products purchased through Western Union.
Replica bags and other items purchased in larger quantities are subject to an increasing variety of special offers. The original discount system was divided into 3 categories. An order for 2-9 items came along with a 25% discount, 10-19 items for a 35% discount, and up to 45% off for an order of more than 20 items. All the more reason for customers to get their hands on as many of those stylish, fake designer bags label hand bag replicas as soon as possible, before stock runs out.
Now, however, regular customers purchasing large orders will be pleased to hear about the new system, which involves and additional discount based on the value of each individual order. Orders from the online store between £0-£800, processed through Western Union, will receive a 5% discount. A value between £801-£1500 will apply for 10% off, and finally, an order with a total value over £1501 will receive a staggering 15% discount.
In addition to the discount that applies to the amount of items purchased, total product discounts could essentially add up to about 60% off. That's a lot of money saving, although the largest discounts will probably only be applicable to regular customers used to purchasing larger orders. Still, this sharp sales strategy will undoubtedly boost product designer replica handbags sales and help to establish Beubag.com as an attractive leader in the online replica market.
Press release written and distributed by Content Axis (www.eContentAxis.com)
About Beubag.com
Beubag.com is a successful online store based out of Hong Kong, specializing in the selling of quality buy replica handbags, jewelry, watches, scarves, shoes, belts, and a number of other accessories. Their fake designer bags have been sold by the thousands to various international countries.
Contact Details:
Leo Kuang
Hong Kong
Website URL - http://www.beubag.com/
Email id - [email protected]
Phone no. - 852-98547833 +852-98547833