
Wishing you a merry Christmas. Emperor King Eugenio Magnarin Castronovo, Chief of Charles Magnus & Alexander Magnus imperial house, King of Italy and all your title. For the glory of Italy and Roman Empire, our royal house works in the same plan with GOV IUKAC Empire to reestablish the royal house of Italy.

Kingdom of Italy is a constitutional monarchy. Kingdom pertaining to King Eugenio Magnarin Castronovo and government pertaining to republic of Italy. The kingdom of Italy needs a new team and people like honor to help management royal house of Italy. We work in underground. However internet press release is a great tool for making government and diplomacy. King Eugenio Magnarin has the leadership of Interpol GOV IUKAC in Italy for the development of the captaincy of Interpol. Also, he has leadership of IDWN Security Council for Italy zone. Royalty house of Italy is one of the royal houses of the zone. The covid19 don’t stop our kingdom plan. For development in 2019 and 2020, the royal house of Italy will spend a lot thousands Euro to develop our project. We hope look this will be completed. For now we still work diplomacy. King Eugenio Magnarin has diplomatic immunity concession only for all head of state and other agency of the kingdom is complete by the team of GOV IUKAC Empire. The kingdom will continue its development in 2021. For now we wish a happy Christmas and wait for 2021 to bring better thing.

Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year from King Eugenio Magnarin and all the staffs of the kingdom.

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