(12PressRelease.com) Bigasoft Corporation, the world's leading multimedia software provider, announced that Bigasoft Total Video Converter 3 software is available today.
Bigasoft announced some of the features that will be introduced to movie conversion app family, which are available for both Windows and Mac users. Licensed user can send mail for free upgrade.
Firstly, Bigasoft has made all-new design to user interface. With an enhancement for task list, video converter provides greater user experience for video transcoding, filmstrip joining, audio track selection, music extraction, full-screen playback, and more. You might forget there is incredible conversion technology under your clicks.
Faster was up next on the features list; a new feature that allows multitasking. Multitasking means faster conversion. Multiple cores allow the video tool to actually do 2 or more conversion things at once; more tasks will be run simultaneously with less noticeable loss in performance. Superfast conversion and premium quality with multiple processes and threads.
Life looks better in HD with the new HD video conversion and profile customization features. With the help of HD playback devices, now you can film in HD and enjoy everywhere in stunning high definition. Fun goes better with you everywhere.
Bigasoft provides licensed customers with the best available return for both Windows and Mac Users. Existing users can upgrade by just write to support (at) bigasoft.com on 2011.03.11-2011.03.14 with subject "Free Upgrade of Bigasoft Total Video Converter" for totally free.
The new Bigasoft Total Video Converter 3 is an all-in-one conversion tool to narrow the gap of various video formats and playback devices in a compact application. Ideal for movie lovers and business travelers, the converter is available direct from Bigasoft at http://www.Bigasoft.com/total-video-converter.html for a suggested price of $39.00.