Of course there are truths about health and fitness, but not all "lies" are actually untrue. The reason is that each person's body reacts differently to exercise. What is true for one person or a percentage of people may not be true for all. It is not a lie, you have to deal with questionable truths and or information on a case by case basis. You never know what may be uncovered by doing some research, so ideally you should take the time to research and learn. This article has some solidly researched information about health and fitness and what may be true and what is less than true.

An interesting fact we hear about often is how good swimming can be for losing weight. We are here to burst that bubble, it's not the truth. Although swimming does provide many health benefits, it's important to realize that losing pounds is not one of these benefits. The reason for this is because as you are swimming the water is doing the work to support your body weight (called buoyancy) which basically means you aren't getting the workout you think you are or that you might if you were running or jogging long distances. Exercise is known to give you more energy. This really is a benefit of regular exercise. People report feeling energized all day when they exercise in the morning. The increased energy is partially caused by increased blood circulation. Improved circulation means your cells are receiving more oxygen. Your strength and stamina also improve with exercise. You will naturally feel like you have more energy if you have more stamina.

Research supports the fact that a good program combined with diet can help you prevent serious injury and disease conditions. We all know about exercise and cardiovascular health, so that is just one. It is a proven fact that other conditions can also be improved or prevented with diet and exercise. Aging is another condition that can be aided with exercise and healthy lifestyle choices. These myths occur in every aspect of fitness. You can find them as general statements, or specifically related to certain types of physical exercise. Take the time to get to know what you are doing before you take off on a new exercise expedition.

Santos Crumrine is an expert blogger known for writing on a varitey of subjects. His high-quality work can be seen at exfuze criticisms and on ardyssapproach