(12PressRelease.com) Toronto, Canada - GAO Fiber Optics (ww w.GAOFiberOptics.com), a leading supplier of fiber optic equipment, has launched its easy to operate highly accurate optical fiber identifier
The ruggedly designed fiber identifier, model 6X, identifies multiple signal frequencies, displays the intensity of optical signals and shows the direction of optical transmission. Normal communications can be maintained while it identifies the transmission direction, speed and relative signal strength with only a very small signal loss. The optical fiber identifier features a five-stage display of signal intensity, , a high sensitivity of -55dBm, and a low-voltage indication function. It identifies signal range of wavelength from 800nm to 1700nm and its operating time is more than 8 hours when fully charged.
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About GAO Fiber Optics
GAO Fiber Optics (www.GAOFiberOptics.com), a member company of GAO Group, is a leading provider of fiber optic test and measurement instruments, transceivers and other fiber optical devices.