It will always be difficult for parents to keep up with all of the medical treatments and services that their kids will need throughout their lifetime. This is particularly true when it comes to the health of their teeth and gums, one of the most easily overlooked places in the body when it comes to regular examinations. For parents that would like the best for their kids, it is crucial to remain aware of some of the most essential steps when it comes to their own kid's dental care.

Dental care will start well before the child is born, and all mothers that are expecting a child should speak with their dentist as well as their primary healthcare provider in order to make sure that they are not taking any medications that could affect their unborn child. When the child is born, most specialists agree that they should have their first visit to the dentist by the time they reach the age of one or when their first tooth appears.

While the baby teeth will finally fall out, this period is important as parents will be instructed on how to best care for their child's teeth and gums. Some neglect oral health during this period, but the foundation of great oral health throughout one's lifetime will begin with healthy baby teeth. As the rest of the teeth begin to come in, parents will also be taught some of the proper techniques for cleaning the teeth and gums until the child is able to carry out this habit themselves.

All parents should take the time to teach their children the correct techniques for brushing and flossing. A small toothbrush with soft brills should be used and the child should spend at least two minutes, covering the entire surface of every single tooth. These brushes should be changed out every few months or when they start to show signs of wear and tear. Toothbrushes should also be changed out anytime that the child is recovering from an illness in order to present cross-contamination.

Once the baby teeth start to fall out and the permanent teeth appear, kids will need regular dental checkups at least once every six months. During these checkups, the dentist will closely examine the mouth in order to make sure that there are no serious abnormalities. They will also be able to professionally clean the teeth, reducing one's chances of developing gum disease or tooth decay.

These family dentists can also provide families with the services that they will need throughout their lifetime varying from braces to fluoride treatments. This is why all parents should take the time to find an experienced and friendly local dentist to keep their family healthy and happy.

At Upland Dental Practice, our Montclair pediatric dentist provides various treatments for children to help them maintain the health and beauty of their teeth.