(12PressRelease.com) BANGALORE, India Nov. 08, 2010 Mercom Communications India, Pvt. Ltd., a subsidiary of Mercom Capital Group, a clean energy communications and consulting firm, attended the DIREC 2010 conference held in Greater Noida, the National Capital Region of Delhi, India last week. Having attended this major renewable energy conference held in India over past years, this year‘s participation level was impressive and divergent owing to the participation of various governments‘ representatives and international participants. With more than 9,000 delegates, over 250 speakers and 600 exhibitors from 50 countries, DIREC 2010 turned out to be the most significant event for renewable energy ever held in India.

The enthusiasm and attendance was impressive compared to previously held renewable energy conferences in India, but uncertainty still prevailed, not about the future of the industry but the path the Indian Government will choose and the time they will take to push it forward in the coming years.

The excitement raised by the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) is slowly dying down, giving way to apprehension about how fast the selection of projects will take place and when projects will be commissioned. Manufacturers though don‘t see a huge domestic demand for their modules and are looking for export opportunities. The interest of private investors in manufacturing has diversified from just solar module manufacturing to solar cell and wafer manufacturing, which is noteworthy. The only snag seems to be the lack of technological knowledge among local investors.

The participation of various countries and their pavilions was also notable; prominent among them was the US, Canada, Chinese and German pavilions. Most participating foreign companies are looking to set up offices and/or manufacturing facilitates in India soon.

Another important observation was the participation of concentrated solar power (CSP) and CSP-related companies exhibiting at this conference. This demonstrates growing interest in this technology, and could also be fueled by JNNSM guideline ratios.

Wind energy companies also exhibited in an exclusive hall, displaying continued interest in the sector.

The conference had a record attendance, reflecting diversified groups from both private companies and government representatives. The world is certainly watching India and it is time to execute and instill confidence in order to capture the generous flow of investments needed to grow renewable energy sectors in India.

About Mercom Communications India
Mercom Communications India (Mercom), based in Bangalore, is the only clean energy communications firm in India. Mercom is a subsidiary of Mercom Capital Group, llc, a clean energy communications and consulting firm, based in Austin, Texas, USA. At Mercom, we help clean energy companies gain market share while building powerful relationships with media, analysts, government decision-makers and local communities. We arm our clients with timely market intelligence to ensure their competitive position and overall success. For more information visit: http://www.mercomcapital.com

About Mercom Capital Group
Mercom Capital Group is a clean energy communications and consulting firm with offices in the US and India. Mercom delivers highly respected industry market intelligence reports covering Solar Energy, Wind Energy and Smart Grid. Our reports provide timely industry happenings and ahead-of-the-curve analysis specifically for C-level decision making. Mercom‘s consulting division advises solar companies on new market entry, custom market intelligence and overall strategic decision-making. Mercom‘s communications division helps clean energy companies build powerful relationships with media, analysts, government decision-makers, local communities and strategic partners. For more information about Mercom Capital Group, visit: http://www.mercomcapital.com. To get a copy of Mercom‘s popular market intelligence reports, visit: http://mercomcapital.com/market_intelligence.php.

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