Rev. Sandra Washington shares valuable spiritual reminders and discussions to help everyone prepare for the secret coming of Christ.

JAMAICA, NY (Release Date) Jesus Christ‘s coming is sooner and closer than what people think. It is important for everyone to be aware of the signs of the times that tell of Jesus Christ‘s return. In Rev. Sandra Y. Washington‘s eye-opening and thought-provoking book, Eschatology: The signs of the times of Jesus Christ‘s soon return, she alerts readers to what is to come and what to expect when Christ finally when Christ finally descends from heaven suspended in air in the clouds to catch away or rapture the church body out of the earth. He will not touch the earth when He comes at first to do this. Find out more in the book what will happen at Jesus Christ‘s second coming after the Great Tribulation period.

The author wants everyone to take heed so they can escape the seven-year period of the Great Tribulation of God‘s judgment that‘s soon to come upon earth after the Rapture. Aside from the Great Tribulation, this book also includes the events that will occur during the Rapture, the Millennial Age, and the Perfect Age. It clarifies the misunderstanding that some theologians may have about the Millennial Age and the time period of the Rapture. It proves the validity of the Bible that contains prophecies that were spoken and written by the prophets in the Old and New Testaments that have and still are coming to pass in our life time.

This book gives readers information to help them prepare spiritually; to keep them alert of the signs of the times that tell Jesus‘ coming is close at hand; to understand why one must be aware of the signs; and more. Rev. Washington calls on every individual to be awake always, to be ready, and to accept what is about to come.

Eschatology: The Signs Of The Times Of Jesus Christ‘s Soon Return is available for online purchase at, and

About the Author
Rev. Sandra Y. Washington is a Prophetess and Evangelist/Teacher, holding a Master‘s Degree in Theology. She‘s an ordained minister of the gospel by the International Congress of Churches and Ministers, Chattanooga, TN. She‘s the Founder of her ministry, “The Great Commission of Jesus Christ Evangelistic Teaching and Music Ministry Inc.”