(12PressRelease.com) Following an FDIC report extending the list of troubled banks to a 17 year high, KTC Capital released an investor warning on shares, mutual funds and derivatives holding U.S. bank stocks.
The latest quarterly survey of the American banking system led the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) to classify 829 at risk of failing. This is a nearly twofold increase over the 412 banks on the watch list a year ago and is up from 772 in the first quarter of this year.
Banks that find themselves on the watch list are considered the most likely to fail, but few of the lenders on the list actually reach the level of failure. Typically just 13% of banks on the FDIC's problem list have been forced to close by regulators. So far in 2010, 116 banks have failed, with 43 closings during the last three months.
The FDIC also reports that while the number of banks at risk is up, the total assets from this year's failures will probably be lower since banks have been strengthening their balance sheets. They reported a second consecutive increase in the deposit insurance fund, which covers customer deposits when a bank fails. The fund, which had been waning for two years, grew by $5.6 billion. The fund still operates, however, with a deficit of $15.5 billion.
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