If you do not pass a Microsoft Certification at first attempt, go back to the Prometric test center and use the same voucher number for your free retake exam.
June 15, 2010, Delhi(NCR-Gurgaon), India-Mercury Solutions Ltd., a leading IT training & certification provider in India, is a certified partner of Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Novell, Red Hat, CompTIA, LPI, Prometric and Pearson VUE Testing Center.
Second Shot, the most successful Microsoft certification promotion that came into effect in January 13, 2010 to help you take any IT Professional, Developer, or Business Management (Dynamics) Certification exam and re-sit the exam for free in case you, ends on June 30, 2010. The offer is applicable to all 070 and 083 exams.
To receive a Second Shot voucher, the candidate must register and get a voucher code before registering for the test, through Prometric. Remember, that only one Second Shot voucher is available per purchased exam.
“In today‘s increasingly competitive technological world, one has to have a certification along with expertise. Second Shot, the most successful certification promotion in Microsoft's history, gives you a second chance to help you move up in your careerâ€, says Mehar Ahluwalia - director at Mercury Solutions.
Mercury offers training & certifications in a wide variety of IT courses, ranging from beginner to the advanced level. Dedicated to help students enhance their skill set, keep pace with the latest technological trends and prepare for a better career, Mercury provides a focused and a rewarding learning experience.
Mehar Ahluwalia
Mercury Solutions LTD.
464,Phase V, Udyog Vihar,
Gurgaon, DELHI NCR 122016, INDIA
+91 124 4985555 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +91 124 4985555 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +91 124 4985555 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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