California's traffic laws are under a continuous state of evolution as the courts and law enforcement agencies attempt to keep up with developing technology. This includes the use of mobile technology, one of the greatest concerns for drivers of all ages. This debate persists to rage around the country and California remains one of the flagship states for harsh penalties being aimed at all drivers that obtain cell phone tickets. Here is a look at some of the current laws for the use of mobile technology while operating a vehicle as well as the repercussions that a driver can expect if they do not fight their cell phone tickets.

The laws involving mobile devices continue to change every single year. Over five years ago when these laws first came into fruition, they were only intended to put a halt to drivers that were chatting on their cell phone without the use of a hands-free device. This included checking and sending verbal messages. As technology has continued to progress, so have the many laws surrounding these mobile devices.

Currently, nearly any use of a mobile technology that is not carried out with a hands-free device can end in a ticket if a driver is pulled over. This includes all gaming devices, smartphones, and tablet PCs. These laws also cover more than just making calls on these pieces of technology as well. Texting, surfing the internet, or any other use of a mobile device that distracts the driver can end in a ticket.

The base fines and fees for these tickets can be misleading for those that have never received a driving infraction before. Within many counties, the preliminary fine for a cell phone ticket is listed as $50 or less. This appears like an affordable sum, especially for a ticket that will not place points on the driver's license. Sadly, these charges are only the start when it comes to the overall cost of a cell phone ticket.

Each county and courthouse is allowed to place additional charges in order to pay for their expenses associated with filing and processing traffic tickets. This could include anything from the processing of paperwork to payments for the notary and guards. Local law enforcement agencies can also allocate additional charges for their own paperwork that must be turned in. These fees could push the ending costs of a cell phone ticket well past $150 or more. Each subsequent charge could also double or triple the overall costs of a single ticket.

The moment that a driver receives any ticket while behind the wheel, they should contact a local traffic ticket attorney immediately. These specialists provide drivers with the best chance at preventing these costly penalties and protecting their finances.

Amir Soleimanian, traffic ticket lawyer provides legal assistance for various types of traffic ticket, including speeding ticket, red light ticket, cell phone tickets, misdemeanors and other types of traffic charges.