California remains a leader state for the sheer amount of DWI arrests and convictions that happen every single year. Countless local law enforcement agencies receive millions of dollars in grants in order to push for saturation patrols and DUI checkpoints like never before. This means that it will never take much for a driver to find themselves on the receiving end of one of these tickets and under threat of having every single aspect of their life adversely impacted. This is why the moment that a driver gets their license, they should understand all of the laws involving DWIs and DUIs.

Both the driving under the influence charge and driving while intoxicated charge can be used synonymously for any driver that is operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When going through traffic school, most individuals are instructed on the fact that the legal limit within the state of California is a BAC of .08 percent or higher. Unfortunately, these drivers may quickly find that almost any measurable amount of alcohol can result in an arrest and the need for a traffic ticket lawyer.

For individuals that are under the age of 21 in California, any BAC level of .01 percent or higher will result in an immediate arrest. Individuals that have a commercial driver's license can also be issued a DWI if they have a BAC of .04 percent or higher. This includes any instances of the commercial driver using a private vehicle under the influence. If the law enforcement officer suspects that any driver is impaired, they can also make an arrest if the BAC registers lower than a .08 percent.

The most important thing for all individuals to remember is that there is no time to waste when it comes to protecting their license and their future. From the moment that they arrest takes place, they must take the necessary steps that will allow them to avoid the huge penalties associated with a DWI conviction. This will start by immediately contacting a DUI attorney and then scheduling a DMV administrative hearing. Individuals have only 10 days to schedule one of these hearings, and they are essential in order to put a halt on any license suspension as well as receive all of the facts that will allow them to build a winning case.

Individuals that fail to make these steps have very little chance of walking out of the courthouse without a conviction. A conviction will mean an immediate suspension of the driver's license and thousands of dollars in fines and fees. Most experts claim that a single DUI offense could cost a driver as much as $15,000 in the long run, and this is why every person will need an experience DUI lawyer by their side.

Mr. Ticket, Los Angeles DWI attorney can help you contest these charges and avoid the penalties that come with a DWI conviction.