(12PressRelease.com) With head offices located in Singapore, investment firm Wilkinson Bennings Securities reports on the stunning rise of the local economy amidst a continuing world recession.
Singapore's GDP grew at a record rate in 2010, driven by a rush forward in manufacturing activity. The economy grew by 15.2% last year, recovering strongly from a 1.1% contraction the previous year. Singapore's growth exceeds the previous record of 13.5% set in 1970, although the Prime Minister said the pace would cool in 2011.
The economy extended by 12.5% in the last quarter, helped by a 28.4% surge in the manufacturing sector. According to data from the International Monetary Fund, only Qatar enjoyed faster growth at 15.8%. Singapore's GDP, valued at 247bn Singapore dollars in 2009, is very reliant on external trade and is sensitive to variations in the global economy.
Singapore saw its GDP shrank by 1.1% in 2009 due to the global downturn when demand from the States and other G20 economies collapsed. The service sector, which makes up 67% of Singapore's GDP, grew 9.1% in the fourth quarter of 2010.
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